Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center

Visiting the museum on the weekend of the Decoy Auction, 2013Oct, had a chance to capture a couple images, of thousands, that represent the history and culture of the area, the people and the culture of the Core Sound. (

Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center

Lori Harris Photography


Lori Harris Photography

Waterfowl Decoys

Lori Harris Photography

From the balcony of the museum looking out to Cape Lookout

Lori Harris Photography

Jean Dale on display

Lori Harris Photography

Willow Pond

Lori Harris Photography

Core Sound side of Willow Pond walking Trail looking at Brown’s Island

Lori Harris Photography

As I am not the expert, so here is a link to a reputable website with cultural, arts and historical reference and details:

Flattened Ginger Ale

Perusing the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center at the Easterd of Harker’s Island, came upon another rounded bottom ginger ale bottle. There are no markings, however, the color and thickness of the bottle is similar to that of the Ross Bellfast Bottle, dated 1870, I found in the sand of the Cape Fear River back in February 2013.

Lori Harris Photography


A Dingbatter I May Be

Dingbatter: a down eastern term used for a tourist or someone who is not from here.

Walking on the pier I notice this white matter on the cleaning table. It appears to be sea salt, or at least looks like such. My husband laughs and says, “Honey, that is fish scales. These fisherman probably think you are a Dingbatter.” I smile and reply, “then a Dingbatter I must be!”

Lori Harris Photography

Lesson here was not one of culture, as in my life’s journey perception is not what fuels me. Rather it is one that where I enjoy the process of discovery and knowing that what you see is not always what is. Look beyond, investigate further. Take it upon yourself to keep exploring and remain curious – about everything. I am a sponge. I am still learning and un-learning.

So, “Dingbatter” it is! 😎
Here’s to all the ding batters in the world!

Sunday Shorelines

Ever have one of those lazy Sunday afternoons? The kind where you don’t get out of bed until after noon, throw your favorite hole-y jeans or shorts and a t-shirt on, you meander down to the beach for a walk along the shore?

Lori Harris Photography

The air is cooling, as it is fall. The Atlantic waters hinting a touch of warmth. Shells threaded down the shoreline. The walk is refreshing and calming. Sandpiper, gulls and pelicans actively seeking food. Late vacationers sprinkle the sand wondering where the sun has gone.

Lori Harris Photography

The ocean and her shore keep us balanced. Water, sand (earth), air, species – it all coexists, ebbs and flows with time creating its majestic beauty and memories. I am grateful and seek to have more “lazy Sundays” in my life!

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

A Seasonal Fall

Every year we await anxiously the change of seasons by watching and admiring the transition of colors in the skies, the trees and grass, and in the ocean. The air becomes crisp and fresh. Tourist meander back home to open our paths and beaches to breath and refresh. The days shorten and darkness begins to close in early.

The seasons come and go, each being my favorite, in the moment.

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Look up, look down, you will find in your exploration clear signs of our season’s treasures – Seasonal Change of Colors.
The beauty is before us…enjoy the moment of discovery!