Every Town Has One

That old landmark or marquee. You know the one – that one…without it everyone would not be able to say, I’ve been there! This one does that for Carolina Beach. It is one of the key signs along the Carolina Beach Boardwalk in the Central Business District that stand high and stands out.

Mine – she showed me her true colors the day I captured her!

Old Time Theater Marquee

Old Time Theater Marquee

To learn more about the town all all its happenings, visit: http://www.pleasureislandnc.org/carolina-beach-boardwalk/

Girls Adventure Club – Carolina Beach State Park, March 22, 2014

You never know when an idea becomes reality!


When ideas create positive energy, beautiful things happen.



It all began with and idea, a conversation, a date and time, lunch, a hike and wa-la, Girls Adventure Club has been birthed!



Carolina Beach State Park is along the Cape Fear River.



















Girls Adventure Club – places, people and fun, naturally!

Sunday Shorelines

Ever have one of those lazy Sunday afternoons? The kind where you don’t get out of bed until after noon, throw your favorite hole-y jeans or shorts and a t-shirt on, you meander down to the beach for a walk along the shore?

Lori Harris Photography

The air is cooling, as it is fall. The Atlantic waters hinting a touch of warmth. Shells threaded down the shoreline. The walk is refreshing and calming. Sandpiper, gulls and pelicans actively seeking food. Late vacationers sprinkle the sand wondering where the sun has gone.

Lori Harris Photography

The ocean and her shore keep us balanced. Water, sand (earth), air, species – it all coexists, ebbs and flows with time creating its majestic beauty and memories. I am grateful and seek to have more “lazy Sundays” in my life!

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

A Seasonal Fall

Every year we await anxiously the change of seasons by watching and admiring the transition of colors in the skies, the trees and grass, and in the ocean. The air becomes crisp and fresh. Tourist meander back home to open our paths and beaches to breath and refresh. The days shorten and darkness begins to close in early.

The seasons come and go, each being my favorite, in the moment.

Lori Harris Phitography

Look up, look down, you will find in your exploration clear signs of our season’s treasures – Seasonal Change of Colors.
The beauty is before us…enjoy the moment of discovery!

Sea Foam

Is it the breath of the ocean? The foam that remains painting the shoreline…filled with the remains, the breath…

Lori Harris Photography

According to Wikapedia.org: derived from sources such as the offshore breakdown of algal blooms. These compounds can act as surfactants or foaming agents. As the seawater is churned by breaking waves in the surf zone adjacent to the shore, the presence of these surfactants under these turbulent conditions traps air, forming persistent bubbles that stick to each other through surface tension.

Lori Harris Photography


The Water Lily, according to numerous horticulture websites: (The Nymphaea waterlilies) perfectly symbolise innocence, purity, fertility, pleasure, celebration, hope, rebirth, wellness, and peace. All ancient cultures around the world have associated the white lilies with gods and spirituality.

Lori Harris Photography

One of life’s treasures…as the weather warms and the sun shines, the heart shaped leaves create a foundation for the gentle white bloom.

Lori Harris Photography

Inspired by Claude Monet and his paintings, I photograph and design to capture this purity!

Lori Harris Photography

There is so much beauty in life!

Tregembo Animals

Lions, tigers and bears -alright!

There is this little, small-town zoo: Tregembo Zoo – Wilmington, North Carolina.
(http://www.tregemboanimalpark.com/) for over 50 years the Tregembo family has been zoo-ing it! This zoo is one of the best attractions in Wilmington. Where else can you go in Southeastern, North Carolina and feel like you had a chance to be like Dr Doolittle and travel the world to see exotic animals?

From peacocks:

Lori Harris Photography

To panthers:

Lori Harris Photography

And giraffes:

Lori Harris Photography


Lori Harris Photography


Lori Harris Photography

And so much more:

Lori Harris Photography

So travel the world in our small hometown and discover animals you have always wanted to see!

Bridge to Nowhere

Over time things evolve and change. Our usual dusk hike led us to nowhere. The bridge, and path, have been closed off to the world. The end of the bridge is now boarded up.

Lori Harris Photography

However, if you venture to the end, you will experience nothing but pure, natural beauty!

Lori Harris Photography

There is beauty in all things…even in what may seem a dead end.

Crested Mallard

While shopping at the local Carolina Beach Farmer’s Market, I happen upon the lake’s habitants: the white crested mallard duck.

Lori Harris Photography

The tuft atop its head is stated to be from a mutant deformity. None-the-less, the crested duck is unique and beautiful.

Lori Harris Photography

This one is a mainstay and protector of its friends at Carolina Beach Lake. Each trip brings my encounter of whitey and friends, often seeking a drink of fresh water from the water faucet.

Lori Harris Photography