The Howling Tunnell

45 degrees feeling like it was 31 degrees. Warming up from just inside the door to the locker room. Lifelong friends stood in the tunnel while the pouring rain and cold settled the final score of the game.

Lori Harris Photography

Antebellum Garden Party

Pantaloons, slip, hoop skirt, dress, gloves, curls, parasol, ribbons, bows, fan and sugar…a beautiful garden and a handsome gentleman = ingredients for an Antebellum Belle’s dream afternoon!

Lori Harris Photography

Cultural traditions have remained threaded through various events that feature Antebellum Belle “lifestyle” and “fashion.” In Wilmington, North Carolina, there are the Azalea Belles. ( High School girls apply to be selected to represent and adorn Antebellum attire designed locally for the various annual events and activities surrounding the Cape Fear Garden Club’s Azalea Garden Tour and the North Carolina Azalea Festival. (

Lori Harris Photography

The tradition and history of a Garden Party goes back to the 1700’s. There is a relaxed and gentle feeling, more of an aura, to a garden party. Whether a small backyard garden or the impeccable gardens like Longwood Gardens (, Airlie Gardens ( or Greenfield Lake Park (Home of the Dr. Heber W. Johnson Rotary Garden – Home of the World’s Largest Rotary Wheel, The gardens are hostess to people longing to socialize and fellowship with others amongst the natural and engineered beauty and landscapes within.

In Wilmington, North Carolina, the Antebellum style threads through its rich and abundant historical architecture, culture and gardens.

Lori Harris Photography

These photos were all taken by Stuart Benson at the Dr. Heber W. Johnson Rotary Garden.
(Dress Designer: Alma Fennel, Drapery World, Wilmington, NC)

Soul Food

Ever find yourself lost in a melody, harmony or words from a song? Music can capture all your senses. It will take you away or lift your spirit. Music is food for the soul! (If you are open to it)

Lori Harris Photography

Even a bad song can capture you. When “that” song is played, whether live, radio, satellite, in your car, at home or office…music will change the environment with its energy. Just check out what music can do to a crystal (

Lori Harris Photography

This past weekend attended a Jamey Johnson Concert. The photo does not describe the energy that lifted the people in this venue to sing along to every word of every song! Lyrics to sound – reminiscence of happy and sad life experiences, meshed with friends and lovers enjoying the evening! (

I listen to everything musical! I love when a song moves me and its impact make me dance and sing along – or want to “play it again.”

What would the world be like without music?

Reflections of Art

Brooklyn Arts Center at St. Andrews, Wilmington, North Carolina. Established 1888.


Photo and Design by Lori Harris Photography

This beautiful historical church is now one of Wilmington, North Carolina’s main entertainment venues. Highly recommended and full of amazing vibes and aura!

Carolina Carnie

Electrifying, eccentricities, entertainment, flare, and fun – all things Carolina Beach Boardwalk Amusement Park. Britt’s Donut Shop, Frank’s Pizza, the sweet shops, shaved ice, bicycles, bars, rides, and fun! It all begins each May and runs through September each year.

Lori Harris Photography

Local retail thrives on this tourist season. Local residence have a love/hate relationship with the summer season and the wave of tourists who come and go during this time.

Lori Harris Photography

In spite of the rush of the season, the carnival holds a special place in the central business district of Carolina Beach. Families flock as the carnies build the excitement and open for business.

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Carolina Flare

Big Rock is a popular offshore fishing spot. It’s name embodies significance. One of the largest Gulf stream fishing tournament brands the name and is listed as one of the top President’s Fishing Tournaments in the United States. (

Locals from Morehead City, Beaufort, Harkers Island and other Outer Bank towns and cities, know this place as their hometown fishing hole. A day of fishing on the Gulf Stream could prove worthy of a marlin, tuna or other seasonal fish who navigate these waters.

Photo by Lori Harris Photography

Running the boat is performed by seasoned captains who know these waters better then they know their children’s names. Running these waters, especially in the early morning or dusk at sunset, is spectacular! The sun in all its grace and glory illuminates the earth and sky with vibrant pinks, blues and hazes of purples. Somewhat dreamy and surreal, you sit back and breathe the freshest air and embrace the peace and power of the ocean that only Big Rock can give, and that she does.

Muse of Comedy and Pastoral Poetry

Established in 1858, Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts adorns the center of historical, downtown Wilmington, North Carolina. Through a few renovations since its inception, Thalian Hall, home of the City of Wilmington’s governing body and the Theater, preserves it unique ornate design and culture.

Lori Harris Photography

Some say and swear that the Hall itself is haunted. I know that when I enter the building, I feel it’s richness and quantum energies. You come alive upon entering. Your mind races with curiosity and desires to learn. “Officially, we like to think that the odd events that happen in Thalian Hall are attributable not to a ghost, but to our Patron Goddess, Thalia, the Muse of Comedy,” as stated online at:

Lori Harris Photography

I continue to adore the architecture of the building; the culture and entertainment the theater offers throughout the year; and most of all, the aura of its history and existence.

Lori Harris Photography