Best Dog Ever

Anastasia “Annie”

She connected to us. Her intuition was beyond our understanding. As a pup she knew. Her beautiful and nurturing soul blessed our lives.

Lori Harris Photography and Design

Her legacy and soul is threaded in our souls. Funny how a “dog” can be so purposeful and powerful in a family’s life. She was and still is.


Harker Island Marsh


Beautiful Summer March, Harkers Island, NC by Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Every moment changing with the tide, the marsh. Continuos discovery and visuals, the marsh.

Lori Harris Photography

A lane in the marsh. Photography by Lori Harris Photography


God’s country, the marsh. Home.


Sunset Harkers Island Marsh. LoriHarrisPhotography


Embracing nature is a gift. Be blessed!

Cape Lookout Lighthouse

Getting there is part of the journey. The ferry, she takes you along the core sound, venturing through the waters with the sun on your face. Happening upon the wild Spanish horses – Shackleford Horses whose grace and beauty is astounding. Then the arrival, upon which your experience will be heightened in complete and utter delight.


Cape Lookout Lighthouse


Wander down the path and turn to walk across the dunes to the shoreline. Treasures await you. However, turn back and stop. You see her majestic stance against blue skies. She is mesmerizing!


Along the path to the shoreline, turn back and see her majestic beauty.


Get close up. Climb into her being and join the souls of her journey. The light guides and directs those ships and beings a shore. Enticing and memorable she is.


Cape Lookout Lighthouse


Catch the ferry and enjoy the experience to Cape Lookout.

Coke Bottle Bottom

Round and a round we go…where she stops nobody knows!


Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

Photography and Design by Lori Harris Photography


Train Lady


Photography and Design by Lori Harris Photography

Down that road, turn left at the bend and right at the old oak tree. Park in the area between the two cypress. Walk over to the right and continue through the two magnolias on the dirt path about half a football field. Climb through the gate and you will see her – the Train Lady.

Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Merry Christmas!
May peace, health, knowledge, dignity and love be yours all throughout the year!
Blessings to all!

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

The Howling Tunnell

45 degrees feeling like it was 31 degrees. Warming up from just inside the door to the locker room. Lifelong friends stood in the tunnel while the pouring rain and cold settled the final score of the game.

Lori Harris Photography