The Swirling Track

Mesmerized and dreamy…without additives, just in a state of peace and creativity. The tracks swirl and create – beauty in black and white.


Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

Train Lady


Photography and Design by Lori Harris Photography

Down that road, turn left at the bend and right at the old oak tree. Park in the area between the two cypress. Walk over to the right and continue through the two magnolias on the dirt path about half a football field. Climb through the gate and you will see her – the Train Lady.

Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

“For the Love of Gardening”

Each year the Cape Fear Garden Club, Inc. presents local gardens in Wilmington, North Carolina. These gardens feature the best of Southern horticulture and landscape, as well as the sweetest hospitality of Antebellum Azalea Bells that greet and frame that exceptional southern garden tour experience.



This year the Azalea Garden Tour runs from April 11-13, 2014 and is an official event of the North Carolina Azalea Festival. Azalea Garden Tour tickets go on sale February 2014 online at:

Lori Harris Photography

Azalea Belles Ribbon Cutting

You won’t want to miss out on all the glory and beauty of this annual garden tour. Don’t forget your to pack your best spring hat, garden party dress, comfortable shoes, seersucker suits for the gentlemen, and your favorite lens for some of the sweetest and most beautiful photography in the south.

Lori Harris Photography

Hot Pink Encore Azalea #loriharrisphotography

Careful – You may just fall “IN LOVE.”

Is it really winter? No wait – Summer in fall.

In the midst of natures crazy cyclical weather patterns I captured a beautiful splash of fall color at the World’s Largest Rotary Wheel.

Lori Harris Photography

Greenfield Lake Park is where the Rotary Wheel is located and is just spectacular in its fall display in December with temps in the 80’s.

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

I am going to just count my blessings for this amazing day and an opportunity to capture nature at its best!

Ed Zirkle, Editor, “We The People 2013” photo documentary stopped by my office today!  Check out: for updates on his 6-month project and journey around the United States. He has encountered and visually captured people at this time in history throughout America – in factories, on and in the field(s), at work, at home, in school, coming home from war, and so much more… PROFOUND!

Ed Zirkle, Editor, We The People 2013

Ed Zirkle, Editor, We The People 2013

I celebrate Ed Zirkle, my friend, for his passion and inspiration to capture our lifetime and the moments of the diversity of the people and the amazing free land of the United States of America! Bravo!!!!! I hope you enjoy his passion and posts! #EdZirkle #wethepeople2013

Sunday Shorelines

Ever have one of those lazy Sunday afternoons? The kind where you don’t get out of bed until after noon, throw your favorite hole-y jeans or shorts and a t-shirt on, you meander down to the beach for a walk along the shore?

Lori Harris Photography

The air is cooling, as it is fall. The Atlantic waters hinting a touch of warmth. Shells threaded down the shoreline. The walk is refreshing and calming. Sandpiper, gulls and pelicans actively seeking food. Late vacationers sprinkle the sand wondering where the sun has gone.

Lori Harris Photography

The ocean and her shore keep us balanced. Water, sand (earth), air, species – it all coexists, ebbs and flows with time creating its majestic beauty and memories. I am grateful and seek to have more “lazy Sundays” in my life!

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

A Seasonal Fall

Every year we await anxiously the change of seasons by watching and admiring the transition of colors in the skies, the trees and grass, and in the ocean. The air becomes crisp and fresh. Tourist meander back home to open our paths and beaches to breath and refresh. The days shorten and darkness begins to close in early.

The seasons come and go, each being my favorite, in the moment.

Lori Harris Phitography

Look up, look down, you will find in your exploration clear signs of our season’s treasures – Seasonal Change of Colors.
The beauty is before us…enjoy the moment of discovery!

Fairies In the Garden

The Dr. Heber W. Johnson Rotary Garden – Home of the World’s Largest Rotary Wheel, was host to the Lower Cape Fear Historical Society‘s Secret Garden Tour Ribbon Cutting. Painting the garden were precious, little fairies.

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Twirling, dancing, flittering, skipping and even a little pouting, they entertained the patrons with a sense of innocence, happiness and life.

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The remainder of the day was caught in the beauty of “The Lesson of a Child” – to not take all of life so seriously, to dance, to flitter, to discover, to twirl…enjoy, foster and seek those things in life that make us smile and utilize our gifts to make this world a better place.

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You may say this is “Polly-an-ish,” no matter! Life is short, So why not be fairy-like and play!

Honor and Dignity

Sitting here reflecting on today…September 11th.

This date was a life changing date for me…for a nation, for families I do not even know, for business and economy, and for our world.

Lori Harris Photography

It makes me ponder on the question(s) of “why?” It makes me appreciate and grateful for the many blessings we have. It makes feel compassion for people who have lost loved ones in times of hostility, indifference and suffering.

I pray for peace, not just on this day alone, but this day enhances the level in which I pray for the good for/of all; that evil is eradicated and quality of life improves for humans. When we care there seems, no there is, to be a responsibility to ourselves, our own children, our family and friends, to our neighborhoods and community, to our country and our world…

Before I close my eyes to rest, I pray for dignity for all. Blessings my friends and never forget (anything that changes life for the better and reminds us to do no harm to no one and make decisions for the betterment of all).

Poly-anish it may seem, though absolutely achievable. For it is a choice to take, make and repeat!
Be blessed my friends.

Lori Harris Photography


Dragonflies are able to move in six directions, fly at more than 45 miles per hour, hover like a helicopter, fly backwards, straight up and down and side to side! It exudes a sense of power and poise – something that comes only with age and maturity (symbolism of the Dragonfly). The most common symbol for a dragonfly is change. Change, to make something different from what it is, to transform or convert -seems appropriate.

Lori Harris Photography

Alternative names for a dragonfly are: darning needle, snake feeder, mosquito hawk, skeeter hawk, ear sewer, and snake doctor. Bizarre names as they are, the dragonfly itself is harmless to humans. They prey on Mosquitos and other insects.

Lori Harris Photography

Mystical to me.