Best Dog Ever

Anastasia “Annie”

She connected to us. Her intuition was beyond our understanding. As a pup she knew. Her beautiful and nurturing soul blessed our lives.

Lori Harris Photography and Design

Her legacy and soul is threaded in our souls. Funny how a “dog” can be so purposeful and powerful in a family’s life. She was and still is.



Ever wonder into a cemetery and feel complete utter peace?

Photo by Lori Harris Photography

Photo by Lori Harris Photography

In Wilmington, North Carolina, the Oakdale Cemetery offer this experience, as well as the Southport, North Carolina Smithville Cemetery. As you travel through the century old tombstones, you discover American History, Family Burials, creative talents in the beautiful tombstones, and an aura of warmth, happiness and peace.

Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, North CarolinaPhoto by Lori Harris Photography

Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, North Carolina
Photo by Lori Harris Photography

The beauty and energy of an arch angel that stands as tall as you on your own two feet is breathtaking. You will stand in awe and amazement of her defined molding and stature, and warmth from the synergy of the love committed to this space to honor and remember people who meant something to someone and hold a legacy to our community.

Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, North Carolina.Photo by Lori Harris Photography

Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, North Carolina.
Photo by Lori Harris Photography

There are many stones offering explanations or remembrance – words to comfort the living and offer a glance at the past. Regardless, I continue to stand in awe and amazement over the dedication to honor and respect the dead. Dead not being no spirit or energy, just physical passing with the soul and spirit continuing on to expand our universe and give back to this world we journey through. For without them, we would have the moments and gifts that carry us forward.

Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, North Carolina.Photo by Lori Harris

Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, North Carolina.
Photo by Lori Harris

Continuing the walk through stone and shrub, I look up to be taken back by a monument that offers strength and progressive thinking…the symbolisms are rich and moving, the architectures unique and ornate. The light, shadows and reflections ever changing as the sun sets and the air cools, ending my steps to celebrate and honor those before us.