Cape Lookout Lighthouse

Getting there is part of the journey. The ferry, she takes you along the core sound, venturing through the waters with the sun on your face. Happening upon the wild Spanish horses – Shackleford Horses whose grace and beauty is astounding. Then the arrival, upon which your experience will be heightened in complete and utter delight.


Cape Lookout Lighthouse


Wander down the path and turn to walk across the dunes to the shoreline. Treasures await you. However, turn back and stop. You see her majestic stance against blue skies. She is mesmerizing!


Along the path to the shoreline, turn back and see her majestic beauty.


Get close up. Climb into her being and join the souls of her journey. The light guides and directs those ships and beings a shore. Enticing and memorable she is.


Cape Lookout Lighthouse


Catch the ferry and enjoy the experience to Cape Lookout.

Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center

Visiting the museum on the weekend of the Decoy Auction, 2013Oct, had a chance to capture a couple images, of thousands, that represent the history and culture of the area, the people and the culture of the Core Sound. (

Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center

Lori Harris Photography


Lori Harris Photography

Waterfowl Decoys

Lori Harris Photography

From the balcony of the museum looking out to Cape Lookout

Lori Harris Photography

Jean Dale on display

Lori Harris Photography

Willow Pond

Lori Harris Photography

Core Sound side of Willow Pond walking Trail looking at Brown’s Island

Lori Harris Photography

As I am not the expert, so here is a link to a reputable website with cultural, arts and historical reference and details:

Where the sky meets the water

“There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds” ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

“The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn’t it be? — it is the same the angels breathe.” ~ Mark Twain, Roughing It

National Seashore Coast Guard House

Whitewashed exterior, conch shells nestled on the gate, life as it was now is just a memory. The Coast Guard house is located on the Core Banks in North Carolina.

Lori Harris Photography

To get to the old Coast Guard house, be prepared for a ferry or boat trip and a hike. The afternoons journey will take you back in time. Walking through “The Village” at the Cape that leads to the Coast Guard house, reminds me of a set on the backlots of Universal. Most of the few homes that splatter the landscape along the shore, are tattered, mysterious, empty but full of energy. Beware of the Mosquitos, as they appear in full force in the warmer months and will definitely leave there marks!

Lori Harris Photography

The house dates back to 1915, according to the Friends of Cape Fear National Seashore. ( Bone remnants of a whale lie in the front yard, inside the gate, at the house. Along with the shells and the hot afternoon sun, the experience gives way to a realization of the hidden resources of our nation and its purpose in protecting our nation’s security and freedoms.

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography



Lori Harris Photography

An opening in the light house. Light shining downward and into a small space. The confines offer muse and silence of lights beauty and reflection. I pause to embrace and show gratitude. Capture this moment through my lens. The joy and surprise extends upwards. I give into its curiosity and discover a beautiful day. – Lori Harris