Treasures Untold

On the shoreline she offers her soul

Some may see her as broken

But there is one

Her beauty infuses into the depths of another

Claiming the energy of the natural spirit and the treasures untold 

The one


2014,  Lori Harris Phiotography 

National Zoo

Lions, Tigers, Bears, Birds and Cheetahs -Oh My!

The National Zoo – A spectacular place to share special moments with family, friends and self.

The animals, accustomed to the masses, really do engage. Their personalities abound, only if the time is spent to listen, observe and connect.

It is that moment, the connection, that ignites the soul!

On this day, I was privileged to connect, and much like Dr. Doolittle. They watched me watch them. They talked to me while I watched them. And they motioned and moved while I solely stood in amazement, wondering what they would’ve doing in their natural habitat.

I hold respect beyond words for living beings on this earth. I am blessed to have continual joy of the moments of connection, that ground my soul to God.







Souled Hands

You raised me to observe, respect and nurture the soil upon which we exist. You taught me to give of my heart, mind and soul to creating harmony and beauty in and around my environments and space of place. You taught me to see, breathe and smell the riches that nature affords us. You taught me to love and fall in love with every moment. For this, your legacy lives on.








Cape Lookout Lighthouse

Getting there is part of the journey. The ferry, she takes you along the core sound, venturing through the waters with the sun on your face. Happening upon the wild Spanish horses – Shackleford Horses whose grace and beauty is astounding. Then the arrival, upon which your experience will be heightened in complete and utter delight.


Cape Lookout Lighthouse


Wander down the path and turn to walk across the dunes to the shoreline. Treasures await you. However, turn back and stop. You see her majestic stance against blue skies. She is mesmerizing!


Along the path to the shoreline, turn back and see her majestic beauty.


Get close up. Climb into her being and join the souls of her journey. The light guides and directs those ships and beings a shore. Enticing and memorable she is.


Cape Lookout Lighthouse


Catch the ferry and enjoy the experience to Cape Lookout.

Is it really winter? No wait – Summer in fall.

In the midst of natures crazy cyclical weather patterns I captured a beautiful splash of fall color at the World’s Largest Rotary Wheel.

Lori Harris Photography

Greenfield Lake Park is where the Rotary Wheel is located and is just spectacular in its fall display in December with temps in the 80’s.

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

I am going to just count my blessings for this amazing day and an opportunity to capture nature at its best!

Outside My Door

Outside my door there is a flowering plant. In the morning the buds are tight. As the sun rises the blooms open full.

Lori Harris Photography

Depending on the light, the blooms offer a different display.

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Earth laughs in flowers. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Magnificence of Spring and Summer

Southern Magnolia, evergreen, kingdom of Plantae and named after French botanist Pierre Magnolia. Having lived for millions of year it’s symbolic of magnificence and large, fragrant flower. Another significant fact of the Magnolia: fertilization occurs from beetles, not bees.

Lori Harris Photography

The flower and buds have been used in traditional Chinese medicine, known as hou po. The leaves are often used for wrapping food and in some parts of the world as a cooking dish. In Louisiana and Mississippi, the Magnolia is the official State flower and tree.

Lori Harris Photography

Living in the South, I resonate with this beautiful bloom mostly through its stardom in the movie “Steel Magnolias” and in numerous local images of the South. The sweet fragrance permeates the spring and summer air, giving confirmation of living in the South.

Lori Harris Photography

Because of its beauty and fragrance, the symbolism of its roots, trunk, leaves, shade and flora combine to create magnificence of life and its journey.