Coke Bottle Bottom

Round and a round we go…where she stops nobody knows!


Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

Photography and Design by Lori Harris Photography


The Swirling Track

Mesmerized and dreamy…without additives, just in a state of peace and creativity. The tracks swirl and create – beauty in black and white.


Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

Train Lady


Photography and Design by Lori Harris Photography

Down that road, turn left at the bend and right at the old oak tree. Park in the area between the two cypress. Walk over to the right and continue through the two magnolias on the dirt path about half a football field. Climb through the gate and you will see her – the Train Lady.

Design and Photography by Lori Harris Photography

Ed Zirkle, Editor, “We The People 2013” photo documentary stopped by my office today!  Check out: for updates on his 6-month project and journey around the United States. He has encountered and visually captured people at this time in history throughout America – in factories, on and in the field(s), at work, at home, in school, coming home from war, and so much more… PROFOUND!

Ed Zirkle, Editor, We The People 2013

Ed Zirkle, Editor, We The People 2013

I celebrate Ed Zirkle, my friend, for his passion and inspiration to capture our lifetime and the moments of the diversity of the people and the amazing free land of the United States of America! Bravo!!!!! I hope you enjoy his passion and posts! #EdZirkle #wethepeople2013

Muse of Comedy and Pastoral Poetry

Established in 1858, Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts adorns the center of historical, downtown Wilmington, North Carolina. Through a few renovations since its inception, Thalian Hall, home of the City of Wilmington’s governing body and the Theater, preserves it unique ornate design and culture.

Lori Harris Photography

Some say and swear that the Hall itself is haunted. I know that when I enter the building, I feel it’s richness and quantum energies. You come alive upon entering. Your mind races with curiosity and desires to learn. “Officially, we like to think that the odd events that happen in Thalian Hall are attributable not to a ghost, but to our Patron Goddess, Thalia, the Muse of Comedy,” as stated online at:

Lori Harris Photography

I continue to adore the architecture of the building; the culture and entertainment the theater offers throughout the year; and most of all, the aura of its history and existence.

Lori Harris Photography

Your Quest (Albert Schweitzer)

Your Quest
I AM CONVINCED that far more idealistic
aspiration exists than is ever evident.
Just as the rivers we see are much less
numerous than the underground streams,
so the idealism that is visible is minor
compared to what men and woman carry
in their hearts, unreleased or scarcely
released. Mankind is waiting and longing
for those who can accomplish the task of
untying what is knotted and bringing the
underground waters to the surface.
– Albert Schweitzer


Photo by: Lori Harris Photography