Treasures Untold

On the shoreline she offers her soul

Some may see her as broken

But there is one

Her beauty infuses into the depths of another

Claiming the energy of the natural spirit and the treasures untold 

The one


2014,  Lori Harris Phiotography 

Harker Island Marsh


Beautiful Summer March, Harkers Island, NC by Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Every moment changing with the tide, the marsh. Continuos discovery and visuals, the marsh.

Lori Harris Photography

A lane in the marsh. Photography by Lori Harris Photography


God’s country, the marsh. Home.


Sunset Harkers Island Marsh. LoriHarrisPhotography


Embracing nature is a gift. Be blessed!

Sunday Shorelines

Ever have one of those lazy Sunday afternoons? The kind where you don’t get out of bed until after noon, throw your favorite hole-y jeans or shorts and a t-shirt on, you meander down to the beach for a walk along the shore?

Lori Harris Photography

The air is cooling, as it is fall. The Atlantic waters hinting a touch of warmth. Shells threaded down the shoreline. The walk is refreshing and calming. Sandpiper, gulls and pelicans actively seeking food. Late vacationers sprinkle the sand wondering where the sun has gone.

Lori Harris Photography

The ocean and her shore keep us balanced. Water, sand (earth), air, species – it all coexists, ebbs and flows with time creating its majestic beauty and memories. I am grateful and seek to have more “lazy Sundays” in my life!

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography


The Water Lily, according to numerous horticulture websites: (The Nymphaea waterlilies) perfectly symbolise innocence, purity, fertility, pleasure, celebration, hope, rebirth, wellness, and peace. All ancient cultures around the world have associated the white lilies with gods and spirituality.

Lori Harris Photography

One of life’s treasures…as the weather warms and the sun shines, the heart shaped leaves create a foundation for the gentle white bloom.

Lori Harris Photography

Inspired by Claude Monet and his paintings, I photograph and design to capture this purity!

Lori Harris Photography

There is so much beauty in life!

Panoramic Wilmington

Wilmington, North Carolina
Cape Fear Riverfront
Historical Port City

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Lori Harris Photography

Wilmington was 1st explored by Giovanni da Verrazano and reported to French King Francis I in 1524. The City of Wilmington was founded in 1739. Rich in American history, politics and environment.

We are blessed to live in such a beautiful place!

Soul Food

Ever find yourself lost in a melody, harmony or words from a song? Music can capture all your senses. It will take you away or lift your spirit. Music is food for the soul! (If you are open to it)

Lori Harris Photography

Even a bad song can capture you. When “that” song is played, whether live, radio, satellite, in your car, at home or office…music will change the environment with its energy. Just check out what music can do to a crystal (

Lori Harris Photography

This past weekend attended a Jamey Johnson Concert. The photo does not describe the energy that lifted the people in this venue to sing along to every word of every song! Lyrics to sound – reminiscence of happy and sad life experiences, meshed with friends and lovers enjoying the evening! (

I listen to everything musical! I love when a song moves me and its impact make me dance and sing along – or want to “play it again.”

What would the world be like without music?

Bridge to Nowhere

Over time things evolve and change. Our usual dusk hike led us to nowhere. The bridge, and path, have been closed off to the world. The end of the bridge is now boarded up.

Lori Harris Photography

However, if you venture to the end, you will experience nothing but pure, natural beauty!

Lori Harris Photography

There is beauty in all things…even in what may seem a dead end.

K Avenue

K Avenue…a street rich in small beach town history. Host to the famous Freddie’s Restaurant (the best food, people, and that Barb’s Dressing!), Joe’s (a hole-in-the-wall bar), Jack Mackerel’s Restaurant, Big Daddy’s Restaurant and Tiki Bar, an arcade, and of course, Kure Beach Fishing Pier ( All that, yet, something even more unique…the BIRDS!

Lori Harris Photography

This sound freakish, but it is not. Whether you are just visiting, fishing, sunbathing, dining, or stopping off for a cool beer, the BIRDS are in abundance and soulful. You will find Pelicans, Egrets, Cranes, Seagulls, Finches, Bluebirds, Cardinals and many more…

Lori Harris Photography

Feeding them is a given, but they offer contemplation and a source of peace. They make you stop, ponder, wonder, and breathe.

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

Lori Harris Photography

All on K Venue in Kure Beach, North Carolina…

Lori Harris Photography